The breeze pushed through nature making the plants dance. It was a beauty that no one understands, but appreciates. The life of all depend on the simplest things that can be broken down to complicated extrapliations. Life is conceived, sporadic, and ends, but where one thing ends another begins. It was nature that exuded a simple life. Plants take care of the soil around them and provide fresh air. Mushrooms and other fungi take care of decomposition. Animals introduce natural selection. It was a basic circle of life. Now there are mortals who wish to improve on the world around them, forgetting nature has its law; everything comes to an end.


They are hopeful little beings; some squandering their lives for fame, money, attention. Their lives dpend on co-dependence to a degree, but others absolutely adore the isolation. Mortals protect nature while also destroying it. A conundrum for the folly of humanity, and yet they try. It is difficult to watch how some who have done no wrong weeping for atrocious actions of another who do not care or consider the lives around them, yet there is good in mortals, but it is never enough. Man rose, creating their own laws after learning from nature’s experience and still do not understand why nature has changed for the worse.


Nature always will fight back, it is instinctual. Humans are quite like that as well. You attack one and they often attack back; some only with words while others only know how to do so physically. They try their hardest, dividing or embracing each other in hopes to see how they can make the world a better place, yet cannot see that in one another. The life of mortals are peculiar, yet endearing to learn. Bit by bit more division arise among man; religion, government, argiculture, culture, cooking, style. The vanity of life increasing to the point that nature bides its time before striking again.


Illness and disease rise up to take Man down only for these mortals to improve with manufactured cures. Poison and venom mildly obsolete with anti-venoms and antidotes, yet these things are now marked for a price often many cannot afford. It becomes more and more of man vs man, the mortals not accepting compromise unless it is advantageous to themselves. The rise of Man on the decline as these man-made cures are starting to fail as Nature grows stronger, yet they persist it will get better. The life of mortals are strange the farther they advance, yet here they are, standing firm on Nature’s home.

Mortals freely killing one another for petty issues cause the scarring of nature through their own entitlement. The damage irreversible as plants, animals, and even human races are erraticated do to man’s newest goal to rule Nature and themselves: War. Most consider such an act as the end of times, others claim it is to renew Man’s empire, but only the victor’s. Innocence dying only for the sake of who desires to be seen as right. It is obvious that Mortal’s gods have created hell on their Earth, yet they are hoping it will become better.

Hope is what drives them, yet that is all they do is hope. Hope is not an idea, it is an action. You hope for things similar to prayer and nothing will change, yet if you do something with hope it affects anything and everything around you. Mortals come and go, stories fade from existence, yet nature stands tall to tell the tale of time and change. Hope is adapting, growing, and fighting for our lives within nature. Here is hoping that this will enforce some change in mortals.

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