Time was never on our side. It was there as a reminder; wasted times, frozen times, loving times. It always was time. They stared out at my life abundantly, as if analyzing my experiences to find my flaws, insecurities, secrets. What made me tick or irked was labeled. The notations made it seem as if I was mad, and assuredly I was. Who else could say that they could see time staring back at them? No one would trust me, but I was right. I could see the end was nigh. What a life to only know exactly when it was to end. It is more disturbing that the closer the time ticks, the bigger Time grins. It’s disturbing to see, but I have no other choice. No medications, or practice can stop me from seeing what time is going to do to us all.

I used to save lives. Being a firefighter was easy enough, but with my ability I knew what to avoid to keep myself and my rescues alive. Many animals caught and sent to a safe home, kids comforted until returned to their loving family, and the usual EMT calls to catch a person on whatever new marketed “street drug” of choice. Simplicity, routine, and practicality was often thrown to the wind with such a career, but one peaceful week is when I first snapped. A pair of real eyes staring back at me from my clock, any clock I realized. It was distracting, growing into obsession as they scanned me. Anywhere and everywhere, there was Time staring at me. Checking my phone became a problem, anyone asking the time, and then calendars. Time would let me know they could still see me. It was then at the fundraiser that I lost it. Time was there, but this time it had a mouth. Their lips moved, but not a sound came out. The town clock struck noon and my eyes couldn’t help but look up at the giant clock. The dread, fear, and color drained from my face. I heard the crowd murmuring about my complexion as my knees buckled. It was the end of sanity for me as I heard Time’s booming voice tell me the horrid truth.


Time has been kind to many, but then people make times difficult from their own choices. For me, I thought I made the right choices. Time reminded me that my affect on a small town was one thing, but it was not enough to save us all. I wept. Time being as benevolent as ever noted the choices, the trust, the bond of humanity as a whole as well as our flaws, lies, and indecencies. I was screaming in pain as they dragged me away. Time reached out as I took a sharp gasp, breathing oxygen from the mask put over my mouth as the ambulance was closed. I saw the horrid truth, our future, and there was nothing I could do. I had passed out, feeling the EMTs doing their best to keep me alive while my soul wallowed. Time had given me a warning, or had I gone mad?

Awaking in the hospital was peaceful at first, until I heard the ticking. My eyes shot open as my head swiveled around trying to find the bastard. Captain Hook couldn’t have been better portrayed at that moment as I took a crutch and smashed the clock above my door. The nurses had to restrain me as I swore to make them change. I promised I would change humanity for the better against time. So I sit alone, happily away from clocks in my own room. No one asks for the time; only being told when to eat and sleep. I knew it was too late though. I sobbed in my bed, rising up to watch the sunrise for the last time. It was beautiful to see, but the air raid sirens drowned out the bird’s chirping. I closed my eyes, taking a sniffle as I saw the flash from behind my eyelids. Hesitantly I opened to see glass flying right into my eyes. Darkness. I was blind, but there was Time facing me with their devilish grin. Asking the same question.

“What have you been doing with your life?”

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